Barb's Books

A Rip In The Wall


Thomas Peeking Through The Walll - By Morgan Thayn


Thomas Brown’s long dead great-grandpa, Peter Brown, realizes his fifteen-year-old great-grandson is his only descendant with the gift to see and hear him. Coming through, what looks like a rip, in the bedroom wall, he interrupts Thomas’s sleep to tell him three family secrets. The problem is, it’s like a dream to Thomas, one he can’t remember the next day. I mean, who remembers their dreams? He wakes up saying things, like “The treasure is under the dresser,” with no clue what that means.  In his “dreams,” Thomas goes through the opening in his wall and into the Spirit World. There, he discovers a world filled with beauty and a love from his ancestors, which is sort of embarrassing. When he meets them, they say they are “waiting”, but what does that mean? One night, he’s hungry and sneaks down to the kitchen to get a midnight snack. Walking into the kitchen, he sees his great-grandpa, Peter Brown, standing by the sink. That really freaks him out, but it shocks him into remembering something about the “dreams”.

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